Expert in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, facilitator and master-trainer. Focus on change & strategy development, Partner in Trivium. Director of Advisory Board for LSP Taiwan
The Master Trainer and facilitator of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY, was head of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY at LEGO, is partner in Trivium, the focus is the same: Unleashing Play.
Per is deeply rooted in knowledge about mental / cognitive working models (NeuroLeadership) and the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method. In the latter, he also certifies other facilitators worldwide.
Per 專注 LEGO SERIOUS PLAY 多年,是最活躍的認證主講師與引導師。Per 是世界著名的 LSP 專家,著有《Building A Better Business - Using the Lego® Serious Play® Method》一書,2017年3月已由洪圖出版社發行正體中文版《樂高認真玩:打造成功優質的企業團隊》。
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